Green Life
Green Life

5 Ways That a Sugar Detox will Impact Your Life (and Improve Your Health)

Refined sugars can have a nasty impact on everything from your teeth, your joints, your liver, your skin and so much more.

There are many health risks associated with excess sugar in your diet. Being aware of these risks is the first step in changing your health and your lifestyle for the better.

In fact, cleansing your body of sugar may be one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

Here are 5 ways that a sugar detox will impact your life and your health in a big way.

1. You'll have lots more energy.

You may think that consuming a lot of sugar will give you the energy boost you need to get through the day, however, nothing could be further from the truth.

On the contrary, you’ll end up being much more tired and sluggish after you’ve consumed those sweet treats.

Cleaning up your diet and eliminating refined sugars will boost your energy levels and keep you feeling focused, productive and ready to take on the world.

Plus, you won’t have that mid-afternoon slump or brain fog to worry about as you go through the day. That’s a win-win.

2. You'll lose weight and be healthier.

According to the American Heart Association, an average adult consumes about 77 grams of sugar a day. With all that excess sugar, it’s no wonder losing weight is so hard.

The problem lies in the hidden sugars – most people are completely unaware of how much sugar they eat and set themselves up for failure when they try to go on that “diet.”

Cutting sugar out can greatly increase your chances to take off that extra few pounds because you lose your cravings (aka sweet tooth) and reclaim control over your diet.

The first step is to be aware of what you’re putting into your body – start reading food labels, ditch the sugary drinks for water, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start shedding the pounds.

3. You'll enjoy clearer, younger-looking skin.

If you’re looking for a way to clear up your complexion and have healthy, younger looking skin, look no further than a sugar detox.

When you take sugar out of the equation, you remove the possibility of a hormonal imbalance often caused by foods high in sugar content.

This can lead to acne problems, premature aging and uneven skin tone. Who doesn’t want to improve those little issues, right?

In a roundabout way, cleansing your body of sugar, means cleansing your skin as well, benefitting your health and physical appearance at the same time.

4. You'll have better teeth and mouth health and require less expensive dental work.

The more sugar you have in your diet, the better chance that your teeth and that beautiful white smile will suffer.

You already have bacteria in your mouth and when you compound that with excess sugar for an extended period of time, the more acid is created that can rot out your teeth.

Keeping the sugar away from those pearly whites is crucial when it comes to having a winning smile and a small dental bill.

Your teeth will be much less prone to cavities and other issues caused by those sugar bugs, meaning less trips to the dentist.

5. You will sleep better.

When you cut sugar from your diet, you’ll notice that you’ll start sleeping better at night. Getting a good night’s sleep is so important for your mental health.

When you get off that roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows, your blood sugars will become more balanced. This promotes a better sleep pattern, allowing all the toxins to be flushed from your brain and prep you for the day ahead.

You’ll also wind up with so much more mental clarity and less fatigue throughout the day.

There’s no doubt that a sugar detox will benefit your physical and mental health. All it takes is a decision to cut out the sweets and start paving the way to a healthier lifestyle.

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