Kangaroo Recipes: Burger with Eggplant Bun & Meatballs

Olivia Salvatore
By Olivia Salvatore

In the continuation of my 10-Day Healthy or Exotic Meat Challenge, I got to try a very different protein source (as an American) – kangaroo. For the last three days, I enjoyed bison in three different ways.

To learn more about my 250-pound weight loss experience that doesn’t include surgery or a prescription, click here.

The Kangaroo Recipes

Kangaroo Burger with Eggplant Bun


  • 1 lb ground kangaroo meat
  • 2 egg whites
  • Burger seasonings (e.g., garlic powder, onion powder, ground cumin, red pepper flakes)
  • 1 large eggplant
  • Cooking spray
  • Small cabbage leaf
  • Tomato slices
  • Balsamic vinegar

Note: This is a knife and fork dish. Enjoy!


  1. Prepare the Meat
    • In a mixing bowl, combine ground kangaroo meat and egg whites. Mix well using your hands.
    • Add your preferred burger seasonings. Mix thoroughly.
  1. Form the Patties
    • Take 1/3 of the meat mixture and shape it into patties. Set aside the rest for another recipe.
    • Lightly spray a pan or grill with cooking spray.
    • Cook the patties for 4-5 minutes on each side, aiming for medium rare.
  1. Make the Eggplant Buns
    • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
    • Cut ½ inch thick rounds from the wide end of the eggplant.
    • Place the slices in a baking dish and lightly spray both sides with cooking spray.
    • Season with garlic and onion powder.
    • Bake for 10 minutes, flip the slices, and bake for another 10 minutes until caramelized.
  1. Assemble the Burger
    • Place one eggplant round on a plate.
    • Add the kangaroo patty on top.
    • Top with a cabbage leaf and tomato slices.
    • Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.
    • Place the second eggplant round on top.
Healthy and tasty with leftover cabbage leaves and tomato slices.

Kangaroo Meatballs with Roasted Eggplant & Tomato Sauce


  • Remaining kangaroo burger meat mixture (from the kangaroo burger recipe)
  • Remaining eggplant (from the eggplant buns)
  • Cooking spray


  1. Prepare the Meatballs
    • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
    • Roll the remaining kangaroo meat mixture into 1-inch meatballs.
    • Lightly spray a baking dish with cooking spray.
    • Place the meatballs in the baking dish.
  1. Roast the Eggplant
    • Cut the remaining eggplant into small chunks.
    • Lightly spray another baking dish with cooking spray.
    • Place the eggplant chunks in the baking dish and lightly spray the top.
  1. Cook & Serve
    • Place both the meatballs and eggplant chunks in the preheated oven.
    • Roast for 30 minutes.
    • Remove the meatballs and roasted eggplant from the oven.
    • Serve as desired. Enjoy!
Roll into balls.
Cut and roast the eggplant.
Fresh from the oven.

Balsamic Tomato Sauce

    • 1 can of tomato paste
    • 2 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
    • Season to taste with your favorite herbs and spices
    1. In a saucepan, mix tomato paste and balsamic vinegar.
    2. Add water until you reach your preferred consistency (for a thicker sauce, add less water).
    3. Add garlic powder, onion powder, dried basil, Italian seasoning, and red pepper flakes (if using) to taste. Mix well.
    4. Heat the sauce on medium-low until it starts to simmer.
    5. Let it simmer for 5 minutes to allow the flavors to blend.

Place a healthy portion of the eggplant onto a plate, add 4 or 5 of the meatballs and top with this balsamic tomato sauce. I was able to get a good dinner and a lunch out of this!

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