Sugar addiction has become a very real problem in our society, and it’s not hard to see why.
From easy to prepare, processed foods to sugary, caffeinated drinks, to fast food on speed dial, our sugar consumption is off the charts.
All that excess sugar can wreak havoc on your overall health, so it’s a good idea to keep a sugar detox on your radar.
People often shy away from doing a detox because they (A) don’t realize they even need one, or (B) think it’s much too difficult to complete.
If it’s your first time detoxing, it can be a little overwhelming, and you may be uncertain where to start.
The good news is, the basics of doing a sugar detox aren’t too complex.
Here are a few easy tips that will help you through your sugar detox and put you on the path to better health.

1. Know your reasons and remind yourself regularly.
As you go through a sugar detox, it’s important to be really clear as to WHY you’re doing it.
Your why may be, so you can have more energy to play with your kids. It could be that you want to lose weight, feel better in your own skin, lower your blood pressure or get rid of the constant brain fog that rules your life.
No matter what your reason is for jumping on board the detox train, make sure it’s very clear right from the start. Post it up on your fridge or your computer – anywhere you can see it and be reminded daily. This will be super helpful on those days when you want to give up, and you can refer back to why you started it in the first place.

2. Know when to skip a holiday or celebration.
Part of completing a successful sugar detox, is knowing when NOT to do one.
There are certain times of the year that tend to bring about more stress than normal. Christmas and back to school are two examples of times when you might want to avoid scheduling your detox. There’s too much going on, and all the added busyness and stress may just have you falling off the wagon before you begin.
Pick a time when you can focus solely on your sugar detox goals and not have to worry about much else, i.e. what you’re NOT supposed to eat at the next family gathering.

3. Never skip a meal.
You may be tempted to skip meals once in a while during your detox, but don’t do it. Not only will skipping meals be an added stressor on your body (something you don’t need in the middle of a lifestyle change), but it will also cause your blood sugar to drop and have you craving those carbs and sugary snacks even more.
As you're prepping yourself meals, make sure to include options for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as some healthy snacks in between meals to keep you feeling satisfied and full.

4. Get plenty of sleep.
It’s important to make sure your body gets enough sleep each night, especially during a sugar detox. Lack of sleep not only affects your energy levels and your mood, but it can also affect your sweet tooth and cause you to crave higher calorie, unhealthy options.
Make an effort to get to bed at the same time each night and give your body the chance to refresh and recharge. With fewer cravings and more energy, you’ll be ready to take on the day with focus and determination.

5. Move your body as often as possible.
Exercise is very beneficial during a sugar detox. Not only will you have more energy during the day, but it will also help you push through those intense cravings brought on by stress and lack of sugar. Start slow and make an effort to move your body for at least 30 minutes a day. Take a walk, try some yoga or go for an evening swim – anything to get your blood pumping. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel, even in the midst of those withdrawal symptoms that are bound to happen.
If you’re feeling the weight of excess sugar in your diet, a sugar detox might be right up your alley.
The great news is, with these simple tips you can easily kick-start (and complete) a detox that will benefit your health for years to come.