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Bill Gates-Backed Bioscience Firm Will Release a Vital Palm Oil Substitute Called Palmless

The quest for a sustainable palm oil alternative is gaining momentum, and C16 Biosciences, a company endorsed by Bill Gates,…

Nick Terran Nick Terran

The Great Oat Milk Scam: The Marketing Ploy That Fooled Us All

Surely you've heard how bad cow's milk is for the environment? So what's the alternative, particularly if you're one of those people who love to…

Key Challenges at COP28: From Carbon Market Integrity to Methane Emissions and even Innovative Financing

The United Nations climate conference, COP28, has commenced in Dubai, where delegates from around the world are facing a host of pressing challenges. Amid the…

Biochar’s Promise for Modern Agriculture Requires Unlocking The Secrets of Ancient Soil Technology

In a world increasingly aware of the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices, a new study sheds light on an age-old soil amendment…


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Debris: The Game Turning Marine Plastic Pollution into Sustainable Fun

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