If you’ve never done a sugar detox before, it may seem overwhelming and almost impossible to cut sugar out of your life for good. That’s simply not true.
A life without sugar doesn’t mean you have to flip your world upside down, however, it’s important to properly prep so that nothing can throw you off track – especially in those first few days. With a little time and effort, you can ensure that your detox will go off without a hitch.
Here are 5 super easy ways to prep and make the most of your sugar detox.
1. Start by weaning yourself off through slowly decreasing your sugar intake before the detox.
One of the best ways to prepare yourself for a detox is to wean yourself off of some sugar ahead of time.
For example, try some flavored water in place of your normal soda. Opt out of fast food and make yourself a salad at home a few days a week, or replace that bag of chips with carrots and hummus as a snack.
By making these small changes ahead of time, you will be giving yourself a better shot at success during your actual detox.
2. Stop buying sugar all together.
This may be a no-brainer, but once you make the decision to do a sugar detox, stop buying it at the store. Become very familiar with reading labels on the products you buy and avoid those that have added/excess sugars.
Instead, stock your fridge and pantry with fresh fruit, veggies, raw nuts, seeds, lean meats and other sources of protein. Buy some go-to healthy snacks that you can have on hand when the cravings hit.
It will make your detox so much easier when your sweet tooth rages and don’t have anything sugary sweet to reach for in the pantry,
3. Are you aware of the potential side effects?
As with any addiction, there are going to be some withdrawals that come from cleansing your body of sugar. Do your research ahead of time and get a feel for what you may experience during those first few days.
Of course, everyone is different, and you may not have the same issues that someone else did.
Just be prepared for some fatigue, headaches, sneaky cravings and a slew of other possible withdrawal symptoms.
The more you know, the better chance you have at pushing through anything that comes your way during your detox.

4. Is your mindset ready for this?
Before you even begin a detox, it’s a good idea to prep your mindset and get your head in the right place.
What are your overall goals for your detox?
How committed are you to finishing?
Determine how long your detox will be and set an end goal that you make your mind up to hit no matter what. There is so much truth to the saying, mind over matter.
If your mindset is in the right place when you start, it will make it that much easier to keep going, even when you want to quit.
5. Put some effort into your food prep for the first days.
Set aside some time before your detox to prep some food for the first 2 or 3 days.
Hit up Pinterest and search out some recipes. There are a ton of sugar-free meal plans, smoothie recipes and snack ideas that you can take advantage of ahead of time.
You don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen when those crazy withdrawal symptoms hit, and you start feeling down and out.
More To Discover
By prepping some food, you can ensure a smooth transition into your detox and set yourself up for success right from the start.

By prepping for your detox ahead of time, your chances of success are that much higher. Try a few of these tips, and you’ll be ahead of the game on day one.